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Asia Pacific
Public Health
SNOMED CT Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine -- Clinical Terms SNOMED CT is a robust clinical healthcare terminology, it represents the clinical content in electronic health records. It provides a standardized way to represent clinical terms captured by the clinician. It provides the facilities of sharing the appropriate information with other authorised health care providers involved in health care delivery. It supports the delivery of relevant information to support clinical research & contribute proposition for future improvements in treatment.
The National Programme for Health Care for the Elderly (NPHCE) is a modest attempt by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to address this issue by way of introducing a comprehensive health care set up completely dedicated and tuned to the needs of the elderly. The basic objective of the programme is to provide separate, specialised and comprehensive health care to the senior citizens at various level of State health care delivery system including outreach services. NPHCE application is taking the information about System & Disease. So, the implementation of SNOMED CT is in System Management & Disease Management. Systems and Diseases are using in Beneficiary Management of NPHCE application. Before the implementation of SNOMED CT, the Beneficiary details are neither trackable nor shareable, due to the reason of uniqueness.
We have simplified the implementation of SNOMED CT, one can follow the following simple instructions to implementation (guided by NRCES/CDAC team):
Step 1: Install Apache-tomcat 7.0.23 Install Java - jdk-7u79
Step 2: Register & Take licence from CDAC. Download csnoserv.war & SNOMEDCT(Release File)
Step 3: Copy the csnoserv.war to program files-> Apache->Tomcat 7.0 -> webapps
Step 4: Run the csnoserv application (Call URL from browser. Example:localhost:8080/csnoserv)
Step 5: After running the csnoserv application, a configuration window will open. Configure/Set the following fields- Data Directory: Create the folder for DB and set the path (Example: C:\CSNOtk_db) Log Directory: Create the folder for Log and set the path (Example: C:\CSNOtk_log) File Path: Set the folder path of snapshot in SNOWEDCT(Release File) Note: It may take approx one plus hours to configure.
Step 6: After done the configuration, there will a API section on csnoserv application. Call the API from your application as per requirement. After Calling the API, you'll get the information about System/Disease name, description, concept id etc. You can use the information as per application need. Concept ID would not display on user end.
How SNOMED CT will be used
SNOMED CT implementation is very beneficial in NPHCE application for tracking the Elderly diseases at the level of National, State, District, District Hospital, CHC, PHC & SC. Ministry/Admin can track & review the beneficiaries data and also take necessary action against the reports. Health Ministry can share the beneficiary data to other authorised organisation, this will help to reduce the data redundancy and able to generate accurate data.
Why SNOMED CT will be used