Australian e-Health Research Centre, CSIRO
Vendor Overview
The Australian e-Health Research Centre (AEHRC) is the leading national research facility applying information and communication technology to improve health services and clinical treatment for Australians. AEHRC is a joint venture between CSIRO and the Queensland Government, through Queensland Health. AEHRC combines CSIRO’s capabilities in information and communication technology and health with Queensland’s extensive health research and clinical expertise.
SNOMED CT-enabled solutions
Core to the business of the AEHRC is the development of tools and services to support the use of SNOMED CT and HL7’s FHIR. These tools and supporting service enable improvements in the use, interoperability, and effectiveness of patient data captured in electronic medical records.
Key platform technologies include:
Snorocket, which for the first time enabled semi-real-time authoring of very-large-scale clinical ontologies like SNOMED CT.
Ontoserver, which is a world-leading clinical terminology server implementing HL7’s Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) Terminology Services and supporting syndication–based content distribution.
Snapper: Map, a web browser-based app that enables authoring maps from legacy terminology to standards-based terminologies, and Snapper: Author, a web browser-based app for authoring HL7 FHIR terminology resources and publishing them to a FHIR terminology server). Together, these tools support migration to and use of standard terminologies, and the adoption of the national approach to interoperable digital health information.
SnoMAP, which enables diagnoses recorded using SNOMED CT-AU in Emergency Department to be converted to ICD10-AM codes for non-admitted patient reporting purposes, thus supporting the use and re-use of the standard clinical terminology for statistical and reporting activities. This technology can be applied to other areas of reporting, both ICD 10-AM specific or other locally defined aggregation categories.
Shrimp, a web browser-based app that provides an interface for searching for codes, and a dynamic and interactive hierarchy viewer.
Scope of services
Analytics, Clinical coding, Clinical documentation, Diagnostic imaging, EMR, Middleware, Order sets, Pharmacy, Telehealth
Downloadable documents
Level 5 UQ Health Sciences Building
Royal Brisbane and Womens Hospital
Contact details
Dr Michael Lawley
Group Leader
+61 07 3253 3609
Regions where operational
Europe, Global, North America, Oceania